You searched for: “most infallible
infallible (adjective), more infallible, most infallible
1. Relating to something that works as it should or that has the results that are expected: The infallible engine in the old automobile started regularly just like any modern car.
2. A reference to not making mistakes when making decisions: Shanna's infallible judgment failed her only once when she bought a car from a charming but unscrupulous dealer.
3. In religion, incapable of being mistaken in matters of doctrine and dogma: Mr. Smith, the spiritual leader of the local church, is considered to have an infallible understanding of religious doctrines.
Being sure that an action will work as intended.
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Word Entries at Get Words: “most infallible
Relating to anything that works as it should or that has the results that are expected; a reference to not making mistakes when making decisions. (1)